My Books


Young Refugees and Asylum Seekers: The Truth about Britain


There are many misconceptions about young refugees and asylum seekers in Britain. Declan Henry dispels these myths and gives a compassionate and empathetic view of the daily struggles they face including discrimination, racism and poverty.


The Open Mosque Book

The Open Mosque

eBook Coming Soon


South Africa is one of the most complicated and unequal societies in the world in its social and ethnic cultural structures. It is riddled with corruption and poor governance and has fast become a lawless country with epic levels of crime and gang culture. The divide between rich and poor is the highest in the world, overtaking places like Brazil. This is a country with townships in every city swamped with extreme poverty and disease, including tuberculosis. The rates of HIV and Aids are still among the highest in the world because of the initial poor roll-out of antiretroviral drugs. This is a country with overwhelmingly large numbers of widows, fatherless children, and orphans. It is a country with a poor education system and poor health services. Additionally, there are an estimated two million undocumented immigrants in South Africa. Many feel this is a country without a future, while others feel a strong prime minister and cabinet could turn the country’s governance around for the better within ten years. Although South Africa is still predominately a Christian country, there is currently 1.6% of the country’s population of 57 million who are Muslim. The first Muslims arrived in the Cape in 1658 and were slaves and political exiles from the islands of Indonesia and Malaysia. There are 300,000 Muslims in Cape Town, predominately Sunni, and more than 300 mosques. In the middle of these mosques is a unique place of worship that first opened its doors in 2014.

Welcome to ‘The Open Mosque’ which was founded by Dr Taj Hargey, a retired Oxford University professor. This mosque is different to all others with his Qur’anic Centric stance and liberal Islamic practices which includes: championing gender equality, non-sectarianism, philosophical tolerance, ideological debate and inter-religious harmony.

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