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Young People and Gangs

Young People and Gangs

The knife is the weapon: the person behind it is where it starts. Young offending, drugs, knives and gangs have existed for a long time; they are not something new. Thousands of young people every year who are held back by poverty, abuse, addiction and mental health...

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 

Featured image:  Elder Jackson Thacker on Gravesend High Street Traditional Christian Churches – Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox – still command the largest allegiance amongst Christians worldwide, but they don’t command exclusive supremacy of those who follow Jesus....

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Adolescent Mental Health

Adolescent Mental Health

Adolescence Painful, greasy, smelly, hormonal, angry are just a few of the names attributed to adolescents.  On one hand, some professionals, including social workers, forget the uphill struggles and peer pressures associated with teenager years. Some think they were...

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No Bad Days – Men, Masculinity and Mental Health

No Bad Days – Men, Masculinity and Mental Health

Jake Cox – Mental Health Advocate Jake (30) originally hails from Southeast London, but this working-class lad now considers St Mary’s Island in Chatham his new home. He moved there three years ago with his wife as he always wanted to live by the water. He was fed up...

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Shea Coffey – Trans Rights Activist

Shea Coffey – Trans Rights Activist

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Racism in Medway

Racism in Medway

Gillingham Football Club recently issued a lifetime ban to a young fan following a racist incident during a football match. This led me to wonder if such incidents were frequent or isolated in this geographical area of Kent, which has a population of 270,000 and is...

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The Persecution of Ahmadiyya Muslims Must Stop

The Persecution of Ahmadiyya Muslims Must Stop

Considered heretical by orthodox Muslims, followers of the Ahmadiyya Movement suffer a life of persecution and vilification. Award-winning writer and Islam expert Declan Henry highlights their tragic story and calls for an end to their victimisation - written by...

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Wounded Heart

Wounded Heart

Why do you keep coming back? We are from different layers of the stratosphere, which makes us at odds of ever aligning. My soul craves yours, but my cry is met with indifference. Self-inflicted loneliness can be torture, but I love you and always have despite, at...

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To Be a Transman

To Be a Transman

The 2021 census (excluding Scotland) showed that 262,000 (0.5%) of the population declared their gender identity different to their birth gender. The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights estimates that at least one out of every fifteen people in Europe has a gender...

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Islam & Homosexuality – Asrar Rashid Podcast

Islam & Homosexuality – Asrar Rashid Podcast

A Recent Podcast with Asrar Rashid on Islam & Homosexuality - please follow this LINK or copy and paste Declan Henry is a creative non-fiction writer and comes from a distinguished academic background. He studied at two...

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Freemasonry is often shrouded in mystery based on myths, misconceptions and hearsay with most people knowing hardly anything about its history or purpose.  Britain has over 200,000 members meeting in almost 7,000 Lodges. In Ireland’s 32 counties, there are around...

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